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Industry Terminology

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People Coaching

People coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now rather than in the distant past or future. It helps people learn how they can maximize their own potentials so as not only to help themselves but also others around them by unlocking hidden abilities.

People Development

People development is a strategy that an organization can use to improve its profitability and efficiency. This will allow them to prepare adequately for future challenges, which improves the company’s competitiveness in this way; people-oriented strategies empower employees by giving them more independence from external labor markets while at the same time improving the overall performance of organizations through better qualification specialists technical terms.

Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is a vital tool for entrepreneurs looking to raise funds from investors. It’s an informative presentation that includes information about your business plan, product or services, and financial needs along with key metrics like valuation target market. These documents were primarily created as visual explanations of what can be found in written form but they also serve another important purpose: convincing those who will make decisions on whether or not to invest their money into you!


Pitch is to convince investors that your company’s idea has merit. This can be done through presenting data, showing enthusiasm for the project (and maybe even some emotion), providing financial information about what you’re trying to build, and most importantly: knowing how much money will actually change hands at closing time!

Pitching your Invention

Pitching your Invention is to convince investors or companies whom you are presenting your invention to for them to see the value on what you have invented and how it can be good business.

Process Improvement

Process improvement is a proactive task of identifying, analyzing, and improving upon existing business processes within an organization for optimization. It often involves a systematic approach that follows a specific methodology but there are different ways to be considered.

Product Design

The design process of creating a product involves taking into consideration user needs and business goals to help brands make successful products. Product designers work on optimizing the experience for their users in order to ensure sustainable solutions that will last long term; they also provide consultation services when it comes down to deciding what features are most important or how best to communicate those ideas with customers so everyone can get behind them

Product Development

Product development is a process that starts with the idea of your product and takes it all throughout each step until reaching store shelves or homes. There are many processes required for this, including coming up with an original concept as well as market research to see if people would actually want what you’re designing.

Product Innovation

Product innovation is the process of developing and market introducing new products. This can be anything from a redesigned good or service, but it also includes taking what’s already there making them much better than they were before.

Product Management

The product management role is one of the most important on your team. This person must be able to work with all stakeholders, from engineers and designers through marketing departments – in order for you to succeed as an organization!